Google can be your friend or your enemy.

Not in a personal sense of course, it is after all simply a very big machine composed of multiple algorithms. Google has gotten ever better at weeding out ‘spammy’ sites & delivering the very best results for any query (so they can make even more money from paid advertising). It uses both onsite and offsite factors in its machinations to decide who ranks where. Offsite factors are essentially inbound links to your website from credible sources. If they think you’re important then you probably are.

View Aloha Project

Google is estimated to run more than 400 different algorithms.

Enabling Google to determine your sites relevance. Onsite indicators include a range of factors such as site load speed, mobile compatibility level, how long the site has been around, and many more. The other key component onsite is of course content- “what’s this page about and how valuable is it to the searcher versus the 1.5 million other pages that reference this search term?”

At Big Orange Planet we have almost 20 years of SEO experience and tailor custom SEO plans to help you achieve your goals.

See Web Design


% of global traffic comes from Google Search.
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